Almond oil has been used in various health and beauty products or used alone since the ancient civilizations of the Greece, China, India. Today aromatherapists, massage therapists and beauticians use almond oil for its natural emollient and skin-rejuvenating properties. Due to its rich concentration of oleic and linoleic essential fatty acids it is widely used in aromatherapy. It is also widely used in cosmetic industry for its moisturising and restructuring properties. It is also used as massage oil and is valued as carrier oil when used with essential oil for aromatherapy.
Almond oil and almonds have several properties like boosting your immunity, anti-inflammation and neutralizing hepatotoxicity. Research further suggest that it improves bowel transit thus helps in reducing Irritable Bowel Syndrome and also reduce the incidence of having colon cancer. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Recent research showed that adding almonds in the diet elevates the blood level of high-density lipoproteins and lowers low-density lipoproteins. Chinese history suggest that almond oil was used in treating dry skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. From history it is known that the Ayurvedic schools of medicine used almonds and almond oil to improve skin complexion and to treat skin conditions, thereby promoting soft healthy skin.
Further they used it as a nutritive for the brain and nervous system. Across the Indian subcontinent today, many physicians prescribe almonds for those partaking in scholastic pursuits such as undertaking examinations etc. Together with these massage properties, it has sclerosant properties which can be used to reduce hypertrophic scarring. It is often used together with phenol and injected in to haemorrhoids. This practice is typically seen in South-East Asia, but is still used in Europe to date. It is commonly used in otolaryngology for conditions affecting the outer ear such as otosclerosis once again for its anti-sclerosant properties.
More recently, Cayce, an American holistic practitioner suggest that almonds should be included in the staple diet as he claimed it improves complexion, movement of food through the colon and minimizes the risk of having cancer.