Even men who pay close attention to their physical condition, hitting the gym regularly and making appropriate dietary choices, often overlook an important aspect of their well-being – their penis health. Like any other part of the body, the penis requires appropriate care to ensure good health and proper function. Using a moisturizer or penis health crème containing penis-specific vitamins such as vitamin B5 may provide important penis health benefits, helping to resolve common penis skin complaints and protecting the penis against loss of sensitivity. The five most important penis benefits of vitamin B5 are discussed here.
What is Vitamin B5?
Vitamin B5 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that traces of the nutrient that are not absorbed by the body are eliminated through urine. Also known as pantothenic acid, this vitamin is essential to the metabolic process, as it is needed to convert food into energy to fuel the muscles and maintain proper cellular function. Vitamin B5 is known to play a role in circulatory health, as well as promoting disease fighting ability and sexual health; it also helps the body to utilize the benefits afforded by other vitamins and minerals.
The top 5 penis benefits of vitamin B5
1. Prevent or reverse loss of penis sensation: Vigorous manual stroking, sexual intercourse, and even restrictive clothing create friction that, over time, can lead to toughening of the outer layers of the penis skin, just as heavy manual labor causes callouses on the palms of the hands. This can lead to a loss of penis sensitivity; men as young as 17 to 19 years of age have reported reduced penis sensation due to neural damage often caused by frequent masturbation or aggressive sex. Treating the skin with restorative vitamins such as B5 can stimulate the growth of new skin cells and provide support for the thousands of nerve endings found under the delicate outer dermal layer of the penis.
2. Promote healthy circulation: Vitamin B5 plays an important role in promoting circulatory health, maintaining the blood vessels and stimulating blood flow; this is particularly important to penis health, as adequate blood flow is needed to nourish the skin and nerve cells of the penis, as well as permitting an erection to occur.
3. Boost immune system function: Pantothenic acid is critical to proper immune system function, helping the body to fight off disease and infection; in fact, vitamin B5 is often referred to as a “life-sustaining” vitamin. Bacteria and fungi (such as those that cause “jock itch” and yeast infections) tend to flourish in warm, moist places such as the genital area. Adequate levels of B5 are needed to help stave off common bacterial and fungal infections that can affect the penis, causing soreness, irritation, and pain during intercourse and can be passed on to sexual partners.
4. Reduce soreness and skin irritation: The penis skin is delicate, and it can become easily irritated, especially with rough handling due to frequent masturbation or aggressive sex. Repairing damaged skin cells and preventing soreness, irritation and itching depends on proper nourishment from vitamins such as pantothenic acid.
5. Keep skin youthful and healthy: Moisturizers containing vitamin B5 are a top choice of women who want to keep their skin soft, supple, and youthful looking – but men, too, can benefit from the rejuvenating effects of pantothenic acid. Penis vitamin formulas containing B5 can help to prevent wrinkling and maintain the integrity of the penis skin.
How to make the most of the penis health benefits of Vitamin B5
Even men who get adequate amounts of vitamin B5 in their diet or take a nutritional supplement containing pantothenic acid may not be getting the full penis benefits of this important penis vitamin. After nutrients are broken down in the digestive tract, they are often delivered to the other organs or eliminated as waste before they can reach the penis.
Treating the penis skin with a topical penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to ensure that the penis is properly nourished. By ensuring that the penis skin receives the full benefits of important nutrients such as vitamin B5, as well as making healthy lifestyle choices and receiving appropriate medical care, men of all ages can promote long-term penis health and function.