The Many Health Benefits Of Singing

Whether or not you consider yourself a good singer, and let’s face it, most of us do, we all really love a good sing-a-long. It is an accepted and fun part of life and a great way of communicating.

The best bit is that your voice doesn’t have to be fantastic to begin with and everyone is capable of being taught to produce a joyful noise. Singing is healthy and provides many pluses to the mind and body, so whether you sing in the car or the shower, at a karaoke night down the pub or in a church choir, let it all out, have a good sing and enjoy yourself.

When singing we can show deep feelings and this has an amazing release on stress levels. It makes us relax and takes our minds off whatever may be putting a downer on our spirits. In general, a session of singing makes us feel much better.

The medical profession strongly believes that singing is a good form of aerobic exercise for the abdominal muscles, the lungs and the circulation of blood. Singing both with and without music is used by way of therapy for treating people who are suffering many kinds of physical, psychological or emotional illnesses or traumas and is a regular component of treating those who have had strokes resulting in speech impairment. Singing is a great aid to communication, breathing and rhythm.

Especially within the United Kingdom, it is becoming more and more popular for elderly folk to take part in community groups where choirs are part of the agenda and they will find themselves singing anything from hymns to modern songs. Getting together for a good sing song does them the world of good.

Take for example, The Zimmers, the British rock group which is made up of forty old aged pensioners. They have just released a cover version of the famous chart topping song, My Generation originally performed by the Who, and have fast become a world wide hit, their popularity spreading to the US and even further. Originally created as part of the BBC Television documentary about how the elderly are treated within the UK. the results of the program have brought a whole new meaning to the word retirement for the members of this group.

For several pensioners, these types of singing groups are a lifeline and they really look forward to meeting up with their friends. Many have no families or maybe their children and grandchildren have moved away so forging this type of friendship with others of a similar age provides them with a sense of belonging and can only improve their health. They will join in together singing well known songs from their early lives which may well stir up happy memories of youth and special times past, making them feel so much better in themselves. According to studies carried out in America, breathing, stance, voice and life expectancy have been shown to improve by singing.

So, no matter what your age, get singing to your hearts content and reap the benefits of good health, healing and happiness!

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