XIMO Health – Expert Third Party Review

XIMO Health – a company which provides a weight loss product (drink) is getting ready to re-launch under new ownership. New ownership was taken by Erik Laver in November of 2010 and he has implemented new changes including new products and new wrapping for the products that they currently provide.

Their primary product is “the golden energy shot” which contains about as much caffeine as one cup of coffee. It’s suppose to have a great mango flavor and lots of ancient herbs for healthy energy as well.

(Though I personally think that a “healthy” energy product with caffeine in it is not healthy.)

XIMO Health replicated websites.

Looks like this is just a regular, run of the mill MLM cookie cutter website to provide a place for distributors to have people come and sign up when they’re convinced that they should become a distributor.

Very good to have. But I couldn’t find anything around these XIMO Health sites about marketing education indicating that reps will need other internet tools and training in order to learn how to drive search engine traffic to their sites.

I actually had trouble when I went searching for more information about the compensation plan and what they stand for. I couldn’t find videos. Just a few webpages that didn’t give much significant information about the company and product.

As I navigated the company website looking for information I was constantly told that I can’t have more info because I was not logged in. And I was on a cookie cutter website… I think. At least it looked like one… (Yeah. I double checked. I was right.) Just writing this review is difficult because I keep getting blocked at every turn trying to get information!

Okay. So let me tell you what I really think of XIMO Health.

Yes, it looks like a great product… if you don’t mind having addictive caffeine in your health products. They have other products that look decent as well, but I’m still unimpressed because it just looks to be a lot like something that you can just get from the grocery store.

When I went to look into the money making XIMO Health opportunity I was redirected to a page that simply said that I needed to contact the person who referred me to the site.

I couldn’t do that since I googled it and so off I go to tell you how difficult is was to get any real information that I could pass along.

I usually like to be as positive as possible when I do a company review but this one has really been a headache.

I’ll close with the same advice I give to representatives of any network marketing company: make sure you get a sound marketing education. Learn how to generate your own leads so that you can build a network marketing empire.

It’s the reason you got started in the first place. I’m sure the rest will fall into place. You certainly CAN make it even though this company provides such sub-par internet marketing tools. With some creativity you’ll be able to work around it and become a great influence for change in the future.

When you’re successful with XIMO Health make sure you tell them that they need to make some technical changes to make it easier for people like me to do a company review.

I’ll see you at the top!

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